I will give a lecture and masterclass of Body Mapping for pianists at Folkwang Universität der Künste (Dec 14 and 15, 2018)
In 2018, six articles were accepted in The Journal of Physiology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Journal of Neurophysiology, Movement Disorders, and Human Brain Mapping.
At the Neurosciences and Music VI (Boston, USA) in 2017, I was a scientific committee member and gave a talk at a symposium.
I started to work at SONY CSL (in Tokyo) from 2017 Apr.
Four book chapters with Prof. Eckart Altenmuller (HMTM Hannover) were recently published.
Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology(2nd edition): "Planning and Performance" (2016)
Progress in Motor Control: Theories and Translations "Brain Plasticity and the Concept of Metaplasticity in Skilled Musicians" (2016)
Cambridge Handbook on Expertise and Expert Performance: "Brain Changes Associated with Acquisition of Musical Expertise" (2018)
Treatment of Dystonia: "Experimental Occupational and Brain Stimulation therapies for musician’s dystonia" (2018)
Aug 19, 2014 Our paper was introduced on The Wall Street Journal. The article is here (bottom of the page).
Aug 18, 2014 During the last 4 months, 8 papers appeared on The Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Parknson and Related Disorders, and so on. Please find our "Publication" section.
Apr 1, 2014 I launched a new lab in Tokyo, Japan. Call for Lab Members
Apr 1, 2014 Our new paper about neuro-rehabilitation for musicians' dystonia was accepted in Annals of Neurology. Press release on Economist, NeuroConn.
Mar 28, 2014 Our new paper about auditory feedback control in skilled musical performance was accepted in Neuroscience.
Feb 6, 2014 Our new paper about coherence analysis in vowing tremor was accepted in Journal of Neural Transmission.
Nov 20, 2013 I was awarded by Heisenberg Program (DFG).
Oct 30, 2013 Our new paper about piano practice was accepted in BMC Neuroscience.
May 16, 2013 Our new paper about musician's tremor was accepted in Movement Disorders.
May 15, 2013 Our new paper about focal hand dystonia of pianists was accepted in Neuroscience.
Apr 17, 2013 Today, 3 papers were accepted. Two of them will appear in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and one in Journal of Neurophysiology. I appreciate all collaborators.
Feb 27, 2013 Our paper about transcranial stimulation on pianists was accepted in BMC Neuroscience.
Aug 28-31, 2013 Our symposium "Control of Sequential Movements in Musical Performance" will be performed at International Society on Performance Science in Vienna, Austria.
June 1, 2013 I give an invited talk entitled "Teaching injury preventive piano technique and retraining" at EPTA in Switzerland. FLYER
May 9-14, 2013 I give an invited talk entitled "Novel Approaches in Rehabilitation of Musicians: DC-stimulation reassessed" and a workshop of transcranial direct current stimulation at Second International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia in Hannover, Germany.
Our special issue "Sensory-motor control and learning of musical performance" appears on Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (co-organized by Prof. Eckart Altenmuller)
Mar 12, 2013 I give an invited talk entitled "Hand motor control of pianists with focal dystonia" at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Dept. of Neurology).
Jan 7, 2013 I give an invited talk entitled "Neuromuscular control of skilled and dystonic piano playing" at Goldsmith, University of London.
Nov 20-24, 2012 I will give an invited talk entitled "Machine Learning Approaches in Probing Neural Control of Skilled and Disordered Movements in Music Performance" at SCIS-ISIS2012.
Oct 17, 2012 A position paper entitled Probing neural mechanisms of music perception, cognition, and performance using multivariate decoding based on our ICMPC12 symposium has been accepted for publication in Psychomusicology.
Aug 20, 2012 Our Research Topic entitled "Sensory-motor control and learning of musical performance" launched at Frontiers in Human Neuroscience and Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience (co-hosted).
Jul 13 2012 Our new paper about independent control of finger movements in skilled piano playing has been accepted in Journal of Neurophysiology.
Aug 30, 2012 I will give an invited talk at Donders Institute (Nijmegen, Netherland). The title is "Sensory-motor mechanism of skilled and unskilled piano playing".
June 13, 2012 I will talk about "Movement organization of piano playing" at Max Planck Institute (Berlin).
Feb 6, 2012 Our proposal for a symposium at ICMPC 12 was accepted. The title of the symposium is "Classification as a tool in probing neural mechanisms of music perception, cognition, and performance". (Co-organizer: Rebecca Schaefer and Shinichi Furuya)
Jan 5, 2012 I will talk "Brain mechanism behind music performance" at RIKEN in Japan.
Nov 24, 2011 I will talk about "Motor Control of Piano Playing" at Max Planck Institute (Leipzig).
Oct 26, 2011 Our special issue entitled "Special Issue on Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Embodied Knowledge of Human Skill" was published in Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. I contributed as a guest editor.
Sep 23, 2011 I start to work at Institute for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine at Hannover University of Music and Drama, Germany
Aug 30, 2011 Our new paper was accepted to Journal of Neurophysiology. This study addressed fundamental hand movement patterns while expert pianists were playing a variety of musical pieces.
Aug 22, 2011 I was awarded by a postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
July 11, 2011 I was awarded by a research fellowship for postdoctoral researchers by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
June 6, 2011 Our new paper was accepted to International Journal of Psychophysiology. This study investigated heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) during piano performance and listening to piano music.
May 12, 2011 Our new paper was accepted to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. This study provided evidence demonstrating the importance of elbow motion for rapid and effortless piano keystrokes during tremolo.
On May 22 (Sun, 14:00~16:00), I will give a presentation entitled Brain and Body of Expert Pianists "What can science do for pianists?" at MacPhail Center for Music. Open to the Public. Flyer
Jan 17, 2011 Our new paper was accepted to Human Movement Science. This study successfully categorized 18 pianists into 3 distinct groups in terms of movement kinematics and muscular activity when increasing both tempo and loudness during repetitive chord keystrokes.